Play it safe!
Quality is
the sum of
all details!
Knowledge and experience are necessary as a market leader and it entails the responsibility to ensure and guarantee the best quality and safety!
We are known within the industry as THE PROBLEM SOLVERS. You can choose the professional quality of Thermotec from the outset if you want to avoid problems in the first place and save time and money.

thermotec Competences
In-house production and the independence that comes with it allows us to minimise delivery routes and drastically reduce empty runs. Seamless quality monitoring, starting from the in-house testing laboratory right through to the construction site prism, is unique in our industry.
The optimised machine and pump technology facilitates an efficient and energy-saving work process. Our products are delivered in the smallest possible space by our thermotec Mixmobile operators and installed by thermotec specialists without leaving any dirt or damage behind.

thermotec Quality assurance and testing laboratory
Our own, fully equipped testing laboratory is located at our headquarters in Mühlviertel and constitutes the only laboratory of its kind in the construction industry throughout Europe. As well as testing the insulation material we produce, samples are taken from every construction site we attend and then subjected to further tests. Besides in-house testing, our bulk insulation materials are also tested and certified by independent institutes.

thermotec environmental protection and ecology
We have been thinking, planning and producing in efficient and ecological cycles for decades. During their lifetime, thermotec insulation materials save many times the energy consumed in their production, thus making an active contribution to environmental protection.
Our in-house production enables short delivery routes and drastically reduces empty runs. Our products are easily recycled and can be reused for the same purpose after cleaning. The pollutant-free composition allows direct contact with the soil without the need for foils or other separating layers, eliminating waste and plastic problems with thermotec.
The 100% pollutant- and HBCD-free formula is good for your health and promotes an optimal living environment. The low water content during installation not only conserves water resources, but also prevents future mould growth, thus avoiding repeated, sometimes inefficient and environmentally harmful renovation measures.

thermotec philosophy and history
Identifying practical problems, defining possible solutions and innovating pioneering products and service concepts for the construction industry constitute our fundamental approach to a strong partnership and the satisfaction of our end customers. We help to take a responsible approach to our environment with insulation systems that save energy, use recycled primary products and minimise the use of materials and construction activities.
Quality is the sum of all details.
CEO Mr Egon Döberl began developing the levelling insulation fill in 1990, with the first recycling facility going into operation three years later. The patented manufacturing process followed suit in 1994. The company has been growing steadily for several decades, employing over 100 members of staff and expanding throughout Europe, all of which is part of the thermotec success story.